Our belief is that non-stressed grazing cows produce top quality creamy organic milk which, as you’d expect, is the foundation to our top quality organic cheese.

Looking back to 2017 our herd was larger at around 400 head of cattle and comprised solely of Holstein Friesian cows, the dependable dairy breed synonymous for their impressive high milk production.

This was in the early days of planning our farmhouse dairy and it quickly transpired that making the quality of cheese and butter we wanted wasn’t going to be possible, due to there being less butterfat in the milk from the Holstein Friesians.

But too much butterfat isn’t necessarily a good thing; we knew that Jersey cows produced higher quality milk and in good quantities, so the solution we came to was a mixed Jersey-Friesian-Norwegian Red herd.

The intention was to be using more of the milk ourselves, so did we really need so many cows? Obviously not, so our herd going-forward was now going to stand at around 180, less than half the previous number.

Today our lovely single herd enjoy grazing outside for over 300 days a year and calve in early Spring as we aim to match their lactation curve with the grass growth curve.

Everything our cows eat is grown here at Park House Farm, either directly from the pasture or harvested as straw or sileage for consumption during the winter months when they escape the worst of the Cumbrian weather under cover.

Here on the northern edge of the Lake District is a great part of the country for growing grass and native clovers, chicory, herbs and legumes, all of which impart a unique and changing flavour to the milk and cheese throughout the year.

By sowing deep-rooted plants in the grass sward of our pastures we can let nature capture nitrogen and fix it in the soil for the grasses to utilise. In addition, the grazing cattle naturally fertilise the paddock and, the more they graze, the quicker it grows.

Our ‘mob grazing’ farming technique allows us to use one paddock a day every 28-days in rotation which gives the plants and soil plenty of rest and growth before our herd graze again.

The grazing cattle naturally fertilise the paddock and, the more they graze, the quicker it grows. By also introducing a flock of free-range chickens to follow the cows through the pastures we can mimic the natural process of birds and large herbivores working in harmony to build soil.


The Torpenhow Cheese Company was formed at Park House Farm near the village of Torpenhow on the northern edge of the Lake District, Cumbria, in 2019, with the aim to turn the rich organic milk from our Jersey/Friesian herd into creamy deep-flavoured cheese.


Witnessing first-hand how our cows actively sought and thrived on a more diverse diet was the very moment in time where we can say started our journey to gaining organic accreditation and committing the future of the land at Park House Farm to regenerative farming.


We are all familiar with meat and dairy products being promoted with ‘grass fed’ as a primary marketing message – and why not, it looks and sounds great. However, the reality is that these herds often need supplementary feed in addition to their natural grass diet and this is often manufactured cereal-based feeds.

Our Gelato Range

Regular Range

These are our most popular flavours
and will be your customer’s favourites.
They are available all year round, giving
you confidence in what you can sell.
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Premium Range

Our premium gelato flavours are the
cherry on top!
They not only complement our regular
range, but also offer a taste experience
that will keep customers coming back
for more.

you confidence in what you can sell.

Sorbet Range

Our sorbet is a dairy-free alternative treat
made of fruit and sugar. Perfect any time
of the year, but especially as a refreshing
treat on a warm summers afternoon. It’s
churned for a scoopable texture
and is less creamy than our gelato.